Eat and drink in U.K. as a miser. 節儉吃喝在UK.

I think U.K. should be one of  the most expensive place in Europe.( But also Northern Europe and Switzerland)

And in my personally opinion, the British food are not so yummy.. especially breakfast...
The acceptable food you can get ( in restaurant ) is fish and chips,taste not bad and not so expensive.
餐廳裡面比較便宜又能吃的只有薯條與炸魚(fish and chips)。

So most of time I always choose cheap food as my energy source.

The following list are where you can find your best friends.

Tesco Express: Everywhere. Lots of bread and cooked food.

Sainsbury's: More than less in city center. Most of them are near to tram/bus station.

Testco Superstore: Quite big but in urban. However, you can have lot of choices here.

Asda: 就是英國家樂福。東西種類比較多,在郊區。
Quite big but in urban. However, you can have lot of choices here.

Starbucks: 當你已經不想喝水跟啤酒的時候,星巴克算是實惠的飲料。
If you're sick of water and beer. Starbucks is always the best option in your list. (Grande is really large. Based on the average coffee price there, it's not expensive. And free wifi and plug for your phone.) 

And the following are your best friend.

貴: 5-10 ponds
fish and chips (炸魚與薯條)

中等: 2-5 ponds
Tesco - pasta salad. (義大利麵沙拉)
Tesco - discount roast chicken wings. It would be very cheap you you find the discount one. It took me 2 ponds for 8 wings.(有格扣的話非常便宜,兩鎊八隻雞翅)

便宜: < 2 ponds.
bread & Jam : curd lemon
