Edinburgh Traffic 愛丁堡交通

Airport to city center (機場到市中心)

There're many ways to get to Edinburgh city center. I suggest taking Tram if you have to get to city in time, or it would be the best choice by bus.
Tram: 5 ponds once.
Bus: 1.6 ponds once. 4 ponds  per day.
(August 2017 Update)
輕軌 一次5鎊,很貴所以我從來沒搭過
( 2017八月更新 )

There're many bus stops out of the airport, just at the side walk. You can find which bus you should take by google maps the destination you like. (The cafe' in the airport provides free wifi and plugs.)
一出機場人行道旁,就是不同的公車站,你可以google maps一下你要去的地方,決定去哪個公車站牌。(機場的咖啡店有插座跟wifi可以使用)

Because it's my budget trip, so I choose taking bus as solution of transportation. I'll provide some tips about taking bus in Edinburgh in this article.

In city (城市內交通):

In fact, 80% of site can be reached by your foots. But if you wanna go further, like super markets or some castles, taking bus would make thing more easier.

How to buy/use the ticket (使用與買票) :

If you'll take bus more than twice in one day, it would be better to buy a day ticket. When you get aboard,  just put 4 ponds into the box then you'll get your tickets.
當天出門前計算一下,假如今天會搭超過兩次的巴士,那就直接上車說 one day ticket,四鎊投入投幣孔,就會有車票了。

The most import thing is, it will NOT give the change back. So please prepare enough coins for the tickets.

If you don't have enough coins, you can ask bus driver for a refund ticket, he will write a refund card for you. You can use that card for the next bus-taking.
萬一你只有鈔票,你可以跟司機說你需要 refund, 他會手寫一張收據卡給你,下次搭公車的時候,可以根據收據卡所剩餘額來折抵車票費用。

*Refund card
