[Travel note 遊記] Scotland Edinburgh - 蘇格蘭 愛丁堡

Date: 18th-22th July 2017

Stay: Campus dormitory

In September it's so cold in Edinburgh, although I felt very hot when I got out of the plane, but it's a rare good weather. In fact, most of days are cold. Edinburgh is the first city I visited during my Europe trip. So I have to passed the immigration check, I would say it's a very hard time.

七月的愛丁堡,非常的冷! 雖然我剛下飛機的時候熱得要死,但其實那是難得的好天氣,大部分的日子都是陰天,而且非常的濕冷。愛丁堡是我進入英國的第一個城市,所以會經過移民官的盤查。 我只能說非常的刁難。

There are three classification, U.K., Europeans and else. I belonged to 'else', and there's only one desk opened for 'else'. After finishing filling the form, I rushed to the desk, and I won't expected that it would take me 10 minutes, no matter there's a long queue behind me.

I show all my identities, bus tickets, plane ticket, but still got a very crazy investigation. I can understand it's necessary especially in this hard time, lot's of terrorist attacks, but still felt very upset about that. However, I decided to go to city center after charging my phone in airport coffee shop.
出示證件,車票,機票,還有瘋狂質疑的身家調查。 ( 嚴密到他要求我出事flight book,我聽成facebook XD ) 我可以理解在恐攻肆虐的時機,這可能是必要的措施,但真的令人很不爽。在機場坐了一陣子,充飽手機,研究交通後,就決定搭公車前往市區

Because I was poor, I bought some jam and bread in a budget store slight faraway. If I knew there are so many hills, I won't go there.
因為我很窮,跑去有點距離的超市買果醬跟麵包,但上下坡超多,早知道直接在 tesco直接買一買就好了。

Weather was nice, I almost die on the bus.

It turned into cold after sunset, I was hungry and waiting for my Spanish couch host.
但天黑超冷,在飢寒交迫中等我的 西班牙 host,他就把我帶去她就讀的大學宿舍跟她一起住了。

On the way to his place, we discussed there are so many sex hunting on Couchsurf world. But he told me he is gay in the end. XD He is a good gay, we still contact to each other now.

And the next day I attended the Scottish highland free tour, and most of the sites are castles.

In his place I did Tai fried rice, and he did Spanish pie and British breakfast.

The museum is quite nice, and it's free! 我個人滿喜歡博物館的,免錢!
Basically all the stuff are around train station, three day for visiting here is enough if you stay in the city center.

And the day I left, it sucked.
